
About me:

Typing SVG

I'm a self-taught Security Researcher and Developer :)
I’m also a fan of privacy and I learn a lot about cyber in the military.

Contact me on Session :


If you want to work with me contact me, I’m searching for rust and assembly developers, reverse engineer, pentesters and more.

Programming languages:


For some of these languages I have learned the basics in order to get by (php,java,cs,cpp) but I don’t use them much any more as they are not very suitable for my projects. I still continue to use html,css,js/ts for web and wasm (it’s rare), markdown for README, lua for FiveM, bash and powershell when I need it for a little script, python for POC, regex when I need it and for the majority of my projects I’m using RUST.

I also learn assembly when I have time.



Like I said in programming my projects are mainly developed in Rust but I used some of these frameworks in the past like discordjs, and rn I’m using serenity…



I’ve used a lot of databases but for the moment I mainly use SurrealDB

Tools :


Most of the time I use JetBrains IDE, but I use some others IDE in some times


From time to time I learn graphic design and video editing, but it’s rare.


I also use some tools such as obsidian for my notes, github for my projects, …

Operating Systems :


I have a lot of VM to test my tools and to practice dynamic analysis

Github stats :

Anurag's GitHub stats <img src="https://github-readme-stats-git-masterrstaa-rickstaa.vercel.app/api/top-langs/?username=53znoa26byrm3e&&theme=tokyonight&layout=compact&langs_count=10" alt="Top Langs"">